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CODE of conduct

or, How To Have A Great Time Swing Dancing!

Lindy Hop (like the other swing dances) is an African American vernacular dance and an important  part of black history and culture. As such we expect all members of DUSS to respect the origin of the  dance and make an effort to learn about the dance's history and the racial issues that surround it. If  you do not have swing dance as part of their cultural heritage you must respect the opinions of those who do and make sure they feel welcome at socials and during class. Racism in any form is not  tolerated at DUSS.  


Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. The law says it’s  sexual harassment if the behaviour is either meant to, or has the effect of: 

• violating your dignity, or 

• creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment 


The majority of the dances will be partner dances involving physical interaction with other members.  You must be respectful of the personal boundaries of your partner and never touch them in an area  that makes them uncomfortable or outside where you have been instructed to have physical  contact.  


Incidents of racism will have serious consequences, as will participating in any kind of verbal,  physical or sexual abuse. This may include, but is not limited to, removal from the class/social  without a refund and exclusion from future events. DUSS promise to treat any reports made by  dancers from our home scenes or elsewhere with sensitivity, and to keep all details as confidential as  is possible (however, in the event of a police investigation, all information will be disclosed to the  relevant authorities). 


Please make sure you read and follow the Code of Conduct below to ensure everyone can have a  good time whilst experiencing the fun of swing dancing.  




• Everyone is here to have a good time, and everyone is valued the same regardless of age,  ability, physical appearance, dance experience or dance role  

• Do not harass or pressurize anyone, and do not discriminate according to race, sex, gender  expression, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or nationality. 

• Be inclusive and invite others to dance. Try to dance with different people when social  dancing  

• Avoid giving unsolicited advice or teaching during classes and socials 




• Never put pressure on anyone to dance - everyone is entitled to say no at any point without  giving a reason 

• Listen to and respect the opinions and feelings of people from a swing dance heritage both in class and within the wider Swing scene 

• If you are told that you are acting in a way that is inappropriate, listen and try to rectify your  behaviour  




• Students who do not have swing dance as part of their cultural heritage you should make an  effort to learn about the history of the swing dances and the racial issues (both historical  and present) that come with it. There will be many opportunities to do this - often the  teachers will include discussion on the origins of the dance during lessons and we often  share information and articles on the DUSS Facebook page. Do not be afraid to politely ask  questions either - the teachers will be more than happy to attempt to answer whatever you  would like to know. 




• Be responsible for your own physical safety and that of others nearby. Please practice safe  floor craft and say sorry if you accidentally bump into another person. 

• Do not perform aerials on the social floor 

• If you consume alcohol at a social event please do so responsibly, and if you are drunk  enough to pose a risk to yourself or others, make sure you leave the dance floor and retire  to the bar. If you fail to do this, you will be asked to stop dancing and may be asked to leave  the premises 

• If you have an existing medical condition or injury e.g. shoulder injury:  

o Only dance if you feel it is safe to do so 

o Feel free to tell your partners so they can try to avoid causing accidental further  damage 

• Be considerate when choosing your clothing, footwear, and accessories – please avoid  wearing anything potentially hazardous to yourselves or to others. For example, stiletto  heels, backless dresses and long dangly earrings are not appropriate  




• Be respectful and acknowledge that the personal boundaries of others may not be the same  as your own. Do not touch anyone without consent and apologise immediately if you  unintentionally touch a person’s private areas. 

Engage with your teachers and partners 

• Ask questions - not only does it help you improve your dancing, but it also provides really  useful feedback for your teachers.



If you have any concerns at any point, however big or small, please talk to the exec, we are here to  help! 

DUSS Welfare and Intersectionality Officer: Miriam Thompson 

DUSS welfare email:



complaint procedure

DUSS aims to allow every member to have a good experience in class, during socials and at our festivals. If something or someone has made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe during one of these times, please let us know. Here's what to do:




You can talk directly to the DUSS Welfare Officer (currently Miriam Thompson) who will try to sort the problem immediately. If class is taking place over Zoom meeting you can send a private message to the Welfare Officer.  If the event is over or if you feel more able you can write to us using the DUSS welfare email ( or fill in the anonymous welfare form (found on the DUSS Website and Facebook page). We will attempt to respond within 5 days.  





During the Weekend Away or during one of our festivals you will be given the phone number of the Welfare Officer who will be on call for all hours during the event. 
If you are not satisfied with our response we can guide you to other University resources that may help. 




For more serious complaints such as sexual harassment and assault, we will try to help you in any way that we can.


In addition to our support, the University has its own resources:

Any complaints not related to welfare will be passed on by the welfare officer to the correct person.  


Happy dancing!

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